On November 24, writer Kärt Hellerma introduces her latest books at the Estonian House in Stockholm. This year has been a very frutiful one for Hellerma – she has published four books, among which a collection of poems Autograph. 101 poems / 2016–2017, a children’s book War of the Hats, a novel Dog and the Moon. Seven Days in January and a collection of essays and articles Medusa’s Hair. Excerpts from the works will be read, and all the questions warmly welcomed.
Kärt Hellerma in Stockholm
Date: 24.11
Time: 14
Location: Estinska Huset
Kärt Hellerma’s most recent books (published in 2018) –
"Medusa’s Hair" ("Medusa juuksed), "War of Hats" ("Mütside sõda"), "Dog and the Moon. Seven Days in January" (Koer ja kuu. Seitse päeva jaanuaris") and "Autograph. 101 poems (2016–2017) ("Autogramm. 101 luuletust")