Viirlaid's Poetry in English By Jüri Talvet ELM 1/2002 ••• Arved Viirlaid. Selected Poems. Selected and translated from the Estonian by T.E. Moks and R.W. Stedingh. Vancouver. Lyre Press, 2001. 194 ...
Toomas Nipernaadi By August Gailit ELM 1/2002 ••• It was night - he stopped a while, drew his hand across his forehead, thought briefly, then took the raft over the river. For a long time h...
The old Barny By Andrus Kivirähk ELM 1/2002 ••• November 1stJust before noon, the sun put in a brief appearance. For several weeks now, such a miracle had not taken place; since the begin...
The German Verdict By Cornelius Hasselblatt ELM 1/2002 ••• Every good translation is a new verbalisation of content or of amessage and is not the simple transposition of words from onelanguage to an...
Short Outlines of Books by Estonian Authors: Helga Nõu. Get Lost! By Rutt Hinrikus, Janika Kronberg ELM 1/2002 ••• Helga Nõu. Get Lost! (Tõmba uttu!)Tallinn. Kupar, 2001. 206 ppEach novel that Helga Nõu (1934) has written since her debut in 1965 has touc...
Rehepapp: the beauty of ugliness By Kaisu Lahikainen ELM 1/2002 ••• I started to read this novel on a long train journey, and I nearly missed my station. The initial impression was really weird: I felt almos...
Poetry by Arved Viirlaid Translated by T.E. Moks and R.W. Stedingh ELM 1/2002 ••• A THOUSAND TIMESA thousand times the falling coffin lidhas tried to keep me underneath,where the dove, my dream, has veered amidwarm ashes ...
Old Barny - or, is humour translatable? By Eric Dickens ELM 1/2002 ••• Humour doesn’t always travel well. So, let me be frank, I am not on the same wavelength as Rehepapp (title translated variously as Old Barn...
Short Outlines of Books by Estonian Authors: Debora Vaarandi. This Far-off Voice. By Rutt Hinrikus, Janika Kronberg ELM 1/2002 ••• Debora Vaarandi. This Far-off Voice (See kauge hääl).Tartu. Ilmamaa, 2000. 190 ppDebora Vaarandi, born in 1916, is well justified to carry ...
Mushrooms and Poetry By Mati Sirkel ELM 1/2002 ••• The first Luulesild/Runon silta (Poetry Bridge) between Estonia and Finland occurred way back in 1982. The number of venues where the poets...
Mission Estonia. On Estonian Literature in Finnish By Hannu Oitinen ELM 1/2002 ••• The translation of Estonian fiction into Finnish dates back approximately 150 years. The first book ever to be translated from Estonian...
Major Leo Kunnas’s novel about the triumph of the will By Piret Tali ELM 1/2002 ••• His novel Servant of the Soldier God (Sõdurjumala teener) earned Major Leo Kunnas (34) the second place award at the novel competition ...
Estonian Voices in the Swedish Language By Birgitta Göranson, Ivo Illiste ELM 1/2002 ••• Only a few months ago, the prestigious National Geographical Society in Washington, D. C. published a coffee table book: "Peoples of th...
Edibles By Turid Farbregd ELM1/2002 ••• Andrus Kivirähk: The Old Barny. Tallinn 2000. 200 ppAre you one of those who devour literature voraciously, like a horse? And soap like a c...
Can literature save the world? By Andres Ehin ELM 1/2002 ••• Can literature save the world? Yes, it is busy with saving-work. It does the work together with allies – other fine arts are the nearest am...
August Gailit By Jaanus Vaiksoo ELM 1/2002 ••• 1. Beauty and uglinessThe literary work of August Gailit (1891-1960) has fascinated readers of different generations throughout the twen...