Short Outlines of Books by Estonian Authors By Rutt Hinrikus, Janika Kronberg ELM 2/2007 ••• Tamara Miljutina, Inimesed minu elus. (People in My Life)Tallinn, Varrak, 2007. 396 ppEnn Soosaar. Isa ja aeg. (My Father...
Poetry by Kristiina Ehin ELM 2/2007 ••• *a hot day in Brezhnev’s timeand I still just a little girlin a blue cotton print skirtflee through the yellow corn fieldfrom the big peopl...
Poetry by Eeva Park ELM 2/2007 ••• Formica rufaThe ant,which I drained out of a birch juice jardidn’t dienor was it dead,though I killed it already for the fifth time,I p...
Literary perspectives: waiting for the Great Estonian Novel By Märt Väljataga ELM 2/2007 ••• In 2005, statistics revealed that the most popular author in Estonia, if judged by public library loans, was the American romance writer No...
Literary Awards 2006 By Piret Viires ELM 2/2007 ••• The 2006 Cultural Award of the Republic of Estonia for Outstanding Lifetime Achievement was given to the writer Mats Traat. The Estonia...
Kristiina Ehin's Drums of Silence on a New Moon Morning By Ilmar Lehtpere ELM 2/2007 ••• Late one Saturday afternoon in September 2006 I sent my translations of 28 poems by Kristiina Ehin to Oleander Press in Cambridge, England ...
Interview with Eeva Park By Jayde Will ELM 2/2007 ••• When did you start writing poetry? What was the feeling when you started writing poetry?I wrote my first poem when I was probably around 16...
Hasso Krull, an anarchist winter poet By Tõnu Õnnepalu ELM 2/2007 ••• Hasso Krull is a winter poet. I’m not saying this merely out of opportunism – his latest and much acclaimed collection of poetry (2006) was...
Feminine and intellectual Mari Saat By Luule Epner ELM 2/2007 ••• There is an overwhelming belief in Estonian literary criticism that we have a fairly large number of talented female poets, but few equally...
Estonian Literature in translation 2006-2007 By Tiina Randviir ELM 2/2007 ••• ESTONIAN LITERATURE IN TRANSLATION 2006-2007BULGARIANJaan KaplinskiLuuletusedZdravko KisyovENGLISHKristiina EhinThe Drums of SilenceLuuletu...