A33 Navbharat Times Apartments,Mayur Vihar 1,New Delhi 110091,India
Telephone : 22750128  Mobile : 9899523368
President : Prof. Dr. Kedarnath Singh  Vice-President : Ajeya Kumar  General Secretary : Vishnu Khare
Joint Secretary : Mangalesh Dabral  Treasurer : Kumar Vikram

A few poets, authors, journalists, academics, painters and musicians, mostly based in Delhi, got together to form an Indo-Estonian Cultural Society, which was opened on 17 October 2007. Indian poets, such as K. Satchidanandan, Rukmini Bhaya Nair, Sivaprakasa, Zubair Rizvi, Mangalesh Dabral, Ashok Vajpeyi, Deviprasad Mishra, LiladharMandloi, Nirmala Garg, Vinod Bhardwaj, Kumar Vikram and Sunderchand Thakur read their poems. Estonia was represented by Jaan Kaplinski whose poems were read in Hindi translation.

© ELM no 26, spring 2008