Tags archives: gustav-suits

Poetry by Gustav Suits

Translated by Jüri Talvet
ELM 1/2003
RINGED MOONMoonlight falls distant and dry,Frosting the snowfields in lustre;Trees shudder darkly and sigh,And, to win warmth, seem to clus...

Gustav Suits. A serious man

By Gustav Suits
ELM 1/2003
This letter was written in Helsinki, even though the recipient also resided there. It is dated simply : Good Friday, 1905.My dear “Kame...

Gustav Suits

By Ele Süvalep
ELM 1/2003
Born on 30 November 1883 in Võnnu, in southern Estonia, into the family of a village teacher, Suits came to Tartu in 1895 and began his st...