Tags archives: indrek-hirv

Short Outlines of Books by Estonian Authors

By Rutt Hinrikus, Janika Kronberg
ELM 1/2007
Ervin Õunapuu. Meie igapäevane jää. Eesti gootika III(Our Daily Ice. Estonian Gothic III)Tallinn, Varrak, 2006. 257 pp  ISBN: 97899853...

Short Outlines of Books by Estonian Authors

By Janika Kronberg, Rutt Hinrikus
ELM 2/2005
Andrus Kivirähk. Jutud (Stories)Tallinn: EKSA, 2005. 279 ppSince the publication of The Memoirs of Ivan Orav in 1995, Andrus Kivirähk has d...

Estonian poetry 1998. Fashions and figures

By Hasso Krull
ELM 2/1999
During the seventies and the eighties the annual review of poetry in the literary magazine Looming was an important and influential institu...