Tags archives: kai-aareleid

Kai Aareleid
Pacific Ocean

By Kärt Hellerma
ELM 1/2022
It’s easy to summarize Kai Aareleid’s novel Pacific Ocean in just a few words: Stella, the protagonist, is cheated on by her hu...

On Life and Love, Continuously

By Jan Kaus
ELM 1/2022
In Estonia, an interesting cultural discussion is underway, prompted by a call to celebrate Estonian Literature Day. The proposed date is J...

Kai Aareleid
Secret Lives

By Elisa-Johanna Liiv
ELM 1/2019
Varrak, 2018. 152 pp.ISBN 9789985345016 Kai Aareleid’s first short-story collection Secret Lives comprises novellas and miniatures writt...

Two Captains – Excerpt fromWe All Fall Down

Translated by Adam Cullen
ELM 2/2016
1960 They meet up at Tiina’s house after school. Tiina puts her bag in her room and follows Vova, because he wants to show her his turtle...