Tags archives: kalju-kruusa

Short Outlines of Books by Estonian Authors

By Aare Pilv, Berk Vaher
ELM 1/2005
Toomas Raudam. Nips (Snap)Tallinn, Eesti Keele Sihtasutus 2004. 312 ppRaudam may be one of the most prolific Estonian essayists and prose w...

Poetry by Elo Viiding

By Elo Viiding
ELM 1/2005
from the collection The First Will (Esimene tahe):* * *A tired woman on the buscompares my chestwith that of her daughtercompares my shoesw...

Short outlines of books by Estonian authors

By Rutt Hinrikus
ELM 1/2000
Ilona Laaman: Mulle ei meeldinud su nimi (I Did Not Like Your Name)Huma: Tallinn, 1999. 43 ppIlona Laaman (1934) lives in Sweden, where she...