Tags archives: mats-traat

Literary Awards 2006

By Piret Viires
ELM 2/2007
The 2006 Cultural Award of the Republic of Estonia for Outstanding Lifetime Achievement was given to the writer Mats Traat. The Estonia...

Views of Freedom. Mats Traat

By Livia Viitol
ELM 1/2007
Mats Traat can be regarded as a panoramic describer of Estonian history, as well as a researcher of the Estonian soul. Having started as a ...

Short Outlines of Books by Estonian Authors

By Rutt Hinrikus, Janika Kronberg
ELM 1/2007
Ervin Õunapuu. Meie igapäevane jää. Eesti gootika III(Our Daily Ice. Estonian Gothic III)Tallinn, Varrak, 2006. 257 pp  ISBN: 97899853...

Short Outlines of Books by Estonian Authors

By Rutt Hinrikus
ELM 1/2004
Jaan Kross. Kallid kaasteelised (Dear Co-travellers)Tallinn, Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2003. 719 ppThe publication of Jaan Kross’ (1920) ...

Short outlines of books by Estonian authors

By Janika Kronberg
ELM 2/2001
Aarne Ruben. Volta Whistles Mournfully (Volta annab kaeblikku vilet)Tallinn, Tänapäev, 2001.  352 ppAarne Ruben (29), a student of philolog...