Tags archives: paul-eerik-rummo-2

Poetry by Paul-Eerik Rummo

ELM 1/2006
CrooningI am so fleetingsighed the girl to the seaoh, what can I doyou are eternalI am transparent like yousighed the girl to the windowoh,...

Poet and politician Paul-Eerik Rummo

By Marja Unt
ELM 1/2006
 Paul-Eerik Rummo, one of the major authors of the Estonian poetry innovation of the 1960s, was born in 1942 in Tallinn to the family of wr...

Short outlines of books by Estonian authors

By Rutt Hinrikus
ELM 2/2002
Jüri Ehlvest. A Stairway to Heaven (Taevatrepp)Tartu, Krauklis, 2001.  148 ppWhile reading Jüri Ehlvest’s (1967) books, one cannot help...

Short outlines of books by Estonian authors

By Rutt Hinrikus
ELM 1/2000
Ilona Laaman: Mulle ei meeldinud su nimi (I Did Not Like Your Name)Huma: Tallinn, 1999. 43 ppIlona Laaman (1934) lives in Sweden, where she...