Carolina PihelgasThe Beginning ••• From the collection “Valgus kivi sees” (“The Light Within the Stone”, 2019) Translated by Adam Cullen THE BEGINNING Or an entirely di...
Lauri SommerEvery Eve’s Virginal ••• Translated by Adam Cullen In any corner of the Estonian map in which you may recline, the season will not inquire. The ai...
Hasso KrullThe Woods ••• Translated by Adam Cullen The woods. It’s very still here today. No saws rumble today, no harvester whines, there’s no on...
Maarja Pärtna weathervane ••• weathervane Translated by Jayde Will becoming ever lighter I ascend through the smoke hole, exhale and turn on my back...
Berk Vaher Same as usual ••• same as usual. for a starter. you’re paying, turning and waving. and begin to smile. an announcement ...
Kaur RiismaaCronophyte ••• Chronophyte True realization, understanding, always comes by accident, by accident like “without undergoing”, “without brain racking”, ...