Tags archives: karl-martin-sinijarv

Andrus Kivirähk
Flight to the Moon

by Karl-Martin Sinijärv
Andrus Kivirähk is one of the most popular and fascinating Estonian authors of the last quarter century (and no doubt of all time). His new...

Karl-Martin Sinijärv
KMSX: How to Say

By Jürgen Rooste
ELM 2/2016
Karl Martin Sinijärv, KMSX: Kuidas öelda (KMSX: How to Say) Tallinn, Näo Kirik, 2016. 96 pp ISBN: 9789949980901 Karl Martin Sinijärv (1...

Poetry by Karl Martin Sinijärv

ELM 1/2004
Hello-    summers, black evanescences,mad dog, it’s barking at itself, it’s amad dog –-    touch a dark stone, toucha deep stone, warmly, l...

Cooking Poems: Karl Martin Sinijärv

ELM 1/2004
ELM: What to ask of a 32-year-old writer whose first book appeared 15 years ago, and who is equally busy as a TV host, restaurant criti...

Short outlines of books by Estonian authors

By Janika Kronberg
ELM 2/2003
Karl-Martin Sinijärv. Artutart & 39Tallinn, Tuum, 2002. 75 ppKarl-Martin Sinijärv (1971) entered Estonian literature almost as a child ...

Short outlines of books by Estonian authors

By Janika Kronberg
ELM 2/2001
Aarne Ruben. Volta Whistles Mournfully (Volta annab kaeblikku vilet)Tallinn, Tänapäev, 2001.  352 ppAarne Ruben (29), a student of philolog...


by Karl-Martin Sinijärv
ELM 2/2000
 4 June - 16 July 20001 continent + 100 writers + 43 countries + 98 languages + 44 days + 7000 kilometres by railway + 8 trains + 11 passed...